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  • Writer's pictureNatural Skin By Lynne

Here Comes The Sun...

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

We all love the Summer Sun & I know it doesn't last too long, but here are some top tips & best practices for staying Safe...

Skin Sun Care Protection SPF
Sun Care For All The Family

Now that the weather is improving, and as I assist people in how to look after and protect their skin on a daily basis,  I thought I would take the opportunity to share some information and advice around this hot topic.

Sun Protection is simply the guarding of your body from the adverse effects of sunlight. Most of us know that sunburn can damage the skin, cause premature signs of aging, cause wrinkles and cause some types of cancer.

The best ways to stay safe in the sun are to wear sun hats, long sleeves, sunglasses & apply sunscreen. We should be limiting the amount of time we are exposed between 11am & 3pm. If like myself, you are privileged to live in such a beautiful area in Dorset, I do recommend when you do go to enjoy the sun remember to apply your sunscreen at least 30 mins before leaving the house. Ideally we should be using around 1 ounce of sunscreen to cover our body - then keep applying it every 2-3 hours (more often if you are in and out of the water).

SPF is the factor of the sunscreen that we use. The higher the SPF, the more protection from the harmful UV rays we have.  The biggest flaw in sun protection I come across is the amount of people who use SPF sunscreen that only protects them from UVB rays.  5% of all the sun’s rays that reach us are UVB, the other 95% are infact UVA.  It’s the UVA rays which contribute towards skin cancers.

The second most common issue around SPF is how to work out how often you should apply it depending on the number of the SPF - Contact me to find out more about how to formulate the amount of time inbetween your suncream applications...

There are more & more UVA products becoming available, and I personally use at least 4 products everyday (yes, even through winter). Even on a cloudy day those rays are beaming through causing premature aging of your skin, & damage to your skin that you can’t always see.

Want to know more? Contact me to book a session on skincare essentials.

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